Bestselling Award-Winning Author
Janeen Ippolito

“Just highly random in a focused way.”
–If Wishes Were Curses
Hey there, friend
I’m so glad you’re here.
I write books with marvelous misfits and trickster heroes in fresh fantasy worlds. You can find me penning fairy tales, steampunk adventures, urban fantasy, and superhero hijinks.
I’m also a book and business strategist who helps multi-passionate authors create and grow businesses that they love. The key to author success isn’t a formula, but a journey that flows from your convictions, unique brain, and life season. You bring your goals, I bring just the right tips, tricks, and insight (that I’ve gleaned from 14+ years of experience), and together we take your stories + author life to the next level.
In my spare time, I swordfight with my missionary husband, play the ukulele, and collect a slew of random hobbies. I’m also a die-hard mood reader and a massive fandom nerd (everything from Star Trek to Marvel to MasterChef).
— “Have I told you that I’m grateful you aren’t imaginary?” –Thorns at Sunrise

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