The image is of author coach and book business strategist Janeen Ippolito sitting on the ground and leading against a brick wall with her laptop in her lap. She's smiling at the viewer.

For Authors

Hey there, Epic Author.

Author life is hard – and it seems like the more you try to do, the harder it gets (who knew that binge-learning could make things more complicated?)

I see you trying to balance your writing ambitions with your actual life – because yes, you’re allowed to have a life (and I encourage it).

I see you trying to connect with readers on platforms that mess with your head and don’t get results – but hey, all the cool kids say you should be there (or you’ll miss out, FOMO is so real, amiright?).

I see you trying to hustle and grind like “all the pros do”, all the while your mental or physical health suffers – or then you take a break and feel like a loser (oh look, so and so got yet another publishing deal or sales success).

Basically, I see you buying into the same lies that I have – that you have to compromise your time, convictions, creativity, or amazing brain in order to make it in this industry. Especially if you want to be a “real author” – to achieve some level of readership, reviews, growth and/or profit (hey, even breaking even would be great, right?)

It’s time to do things differently.

It’s time to own where you’re at – your life season, your convictions, your goals, your unique, amazing brain, and your author life.

After all, it is literally your business. Not just your commerce, but your concerns, your passion, your dreams, and your success.

In a world where everyone wants to put you into their box and their model, I’m telling you that it’s the best time to make your own path – and make it awesome. That is the true way to reach your next level (and enjoy it).

I’m here to help you to reach your success.

Why? Because I get it. I know what it’s like to read those books and then realize that my highly neurodivergent brain doesn’t fit the mold. I’ve had to research, create, and adapt everything to my brain, health issues, day jobs, and life season – and by the grace of God, I’ve done it.

-CEO of an award winning publishing house for seven years
-Bestselling, award winning author of 23+ books
-Taught at many conferences and conventions
-helped over a hundred authors fix plot holes, master edits, finish books, sign with agents, get publishing contracts, self-publish, increase their sales – and create author businesses that align with their convictions, work with their life seasons, and make the world a better place.

Plus I’m an experienced teacher, an enthusiastic entrepreneur, a administrative wizard who enjoys creating systems that help you succeed (with a generous dollop of ideas on how to customize because you are not one-size-fits all – and that makes you awesome).

Yet the heart of my work is as a vocational coach, consultant, and cheerleader who firmly believes that your writing is valuable, meaningful, and leaves echoes for eternity. Yes, you’re allowed to make an impact creatively and make a profit. And you don’t have to shoehorn yourself into a particular genre, style, or process to do it.

So if you’re ready to take your author life and business to the next level with an edit, coaching session, blurb, or business consult, reach out and let’s do this!